Saturday, September 27, 2008

sad news

I can't believe Paul Newman died. He is and was so hott. His blue eyes are unbelievably amazing. Who wants to have a Paul Newman movie marathon?


JessicaCaye said...

paul newman is also like, 83 yrs old jodi. no one is hot when they are that old...

Joberhamlincolm said...

yes he was to hot when he was 83 years old. maybe not as hot but he was still hot.

Joberhamlincolm said...
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Unknown said...

I think George Clooney will still be attractive when he is 83.... he isnt to far off!

Joberhamlincolm said...

i agree missy. george clooney will look hot in his 80's. I will look hott in my 80's haha.

missy, you spelled to wrong. Good thing you're a math teacher.