Tuesday, May 12, 2009


In Social Studies yesterday, there was a page in our workbook that we filled out right before we read the section. After looking at the titles in the section and the photographs, we wrote down what we saw. We saw a flag, an eagle, a coin, and a painting of a lady holding a flag, etc. Then they had to answer this question, "What do you think you will read about on these two pages?" One of my kids asked, "What if we get this wrong, will you mark it off?" I just explained as long as it made sense like they didn't say: "We are going to learn about aliens!" or "We're going to learn about basketball players!"

So, right now I am in the midst of grading their papers, and everybody got that answer right except one person. After the question, "What do you think you will read about on these two pages?" She wrote, "ALIENS!" Oh dear. And you'd think I would be surprised she would put that, but it's actually very typical of her to write something without even caring if it's right or not.

Maybe in a few centuries, a history book will have a section on when Aliens invaded America. THEN, someone can write "Aliens!" for their answer.

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