Monday, December 8, 2008

my space bar

The right sideofmy space bar does notwork. I'mtryingnottogobackandfixitbutitisannoying the crapout ofme. You see I havebeentyping foralongtimenow. whenwegotacomputerwheniwasfiveistarteddoingthesetypinggames.thenofcoursein juniorhigh i doofficialtypingclass. theninhigh school and collegeigetevenmoreusedtotyping.

Sojust tonight i figured out how my spacewill work. I havetotypeitwithmyleftthumbonthe leftside ofmy now i'm officially starting to retrain myself to punch the space bar with my left thumb. every time i have to seriously think about it. i at least was abletodoitforawhilebut ijustgaveupandnowi havenomorespaces.


1 comment:

JessicaCaye said...

iloveitjodi. hahaha maybethereissomethingstickyontheresoyoujustneedtocleanitout!