Thursday, November 6, 2008

one man bathrooms

I can't stand one person bathrooms. I don't like the idea that they are standing out their waiting on you. Especially when they try the handle to see if it's locked. I jump a little and then I feel all rushed to go to the bathroom, wash my hands, check my hair, and run out... because they are waiting!

The worst is when you sit down on the toilet and you look at the door. Then you realize you never locked the door! Do you hurry back to the door to lock it or just hurry and go to the bathroom?

I just don't like it. I like stalls.


The Redouteys said...

I hate that too, Jodi! I usually quick get up to lock the door. It's better than trying to do your business really quick. :)

JessicaCaye said...

i had to wait 14 minutes at starbucks last night on 21st ave to go to the bathroom... man that stunk.