So this past weekend Missy and I realized that we ("we" as in fellow '05 college grads) are in our senior year of adulthood. Senior year of adulthood. That means we must be getting really good at being adults?!
So maybe we should have a graduation and pass out diplomas of adulthood in the spring. maybe some open houses with punch and cookies.
What's after that? well, i'm sure we'll figure it out.
I guess whats next is another four years of adult hood. The next four years will be like grad work to prepare us for our thirties! And I think at adult graduation celebrations there should be a little more than punch and cookies. I will have margaritas with Patron at my party.
of course you would have margaritas missy. and you would have your "bottle of Patron". haha
my party will have cherry vodka and taco dip. i love taco dip. but I'm just a junior, so I dont get to have mine til next year... :)
if we are getting specific, mine will have chocolate shakes maybe. maybe some omelettes, yum. mine will be the morning after missy's for all of those people who drank too many of her margaritas. i will make them happier with omelettes, breakfastsandwiches and chocolate.
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